4 Paths Of Yoga
Jnana Yoga
The path of rational inquiry — jnana yoga — employs the rational mind rather than trying to transcend it by concentration practices. In this path, ignorance is considered the root of all problems. Our basic ignorance is our idea of ourselves as being separate from the absolute. One method is continually to ask, “who am I?” the seeker discovers that the one who asks the question is not the body, not the senses, not the mind, but something eternal beyond all these.
Raja Yoga
The term raja yoga refers to various systems (such as those described in patanjali’s yoga sutras or the later system known as kundalini) that focus on the use of techniques (including the adoption of physical postures, breath control, mantras and visualization) to bring the mind to a state of one-pointed concentration, known as samadhi, in which union with the absolute is attained.
Karma Yoga
At the heart of karma yoga is the varnasrama-dharma system, which focuses on the performance of actions in accordance with the duties (dharma) associated with one’s caste (varna) and stage of life (asrama). By acting in accordance with the principles of varnasrama-dharma, one gradually works through the four stages of life (student, householder, forest-dweller, renunciate) and four modes of rebirth (shudra, vaishya, kshatriya, and brahmin) towards ultimate release from the cycle of rebirth
Bhakti Yoga
As with the other three disciplines, bhakti yoga is based on the fundamental upanishadic insight, namely the identity of the individual soul (atman) and the universal soul (brahman). However, while the paths of “wisdom” (jnana yoga) and “meditation” (raja yoga) require intense effort, and the path of “action” (karma yoga) ultimately requires relinquishing all attachment to the self, bhakti yoga relies only on devotion to a chosen deity. In the bhagavad-gita, krishna presents this devotional approach as the ideal path to liberation from the cycle of rebirth (moksha), for it is open to all (regardless of caste or gender) and requires only that the devotee (bhakta) perform all actions in a spirit of service to god.
20 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

- Limit Sugary Drinks
- 2. Eat Nuts And seeds
- 3. Avoid Ultra Processed Foods
- 4. Get Enough Sleep
- 5. Stay Hydrated
- 6. Don’t Eat Heavily Charred Meats
- 7. Avoid Bright Lights Before Sleep
- 8. Take Vitamin D If You’re Deficient
- 9. Eat Plenty Of Fruits And Vegetables
- 10. Eat Adequate Protein
- 11. Workout Daily (Yoga/Gym/Aerobics/Jogging/Cycling/ Swimming/Dance)
- 12. Avoid Smoking And Only Drink In Moderation
- 13. Limit Refined Carbs
- 4. Exercise By Lifting Your Body Weight
- 15. Avoid Artificial Trans Fat
- 16. Use Plenty Of Herbs And Spices
- 17. Get Rid Of Excess Belly Fat
- 18. Live Your Passion With Your Current Routine
- 19. Practice Breathing Techniques (Pranayama) Daily
- 20. Meditate Regularly To Keep Mind Stress Free