Certified Yoga Teacher Training Course
Course Duration: 2 Months
The ultimate aim of Yoga is to experience the Truth, by realizing the true nature of our ‘Self’ and the Universe. Then one can become free from the chain of cause and effect (Karma) which brings us to earthly life again and again. In that highest state of yogic realization, one can regain one’s real nature – Eternal Existence, Supreme Wisdom, Absolute Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). According to Yoga, the ‘self’ (soul) is timeless, unchanging and free of sorrows. Yoga is therefore a spiritual quest. However, along the path of yoga, the yogi also gains health, happiness, tranquility and wisdom, which are indicators of progress and an encouragement to continue the practice.
- To make our students healthy and fit.
- To practice mental hygiene.
- To possess emotional stability.
- To integrate moral and cultural values.
- To attain higher level of consciousness.
- To be able to teach oneself and other-selves.
What You will Learn
– Why Yoga
– Basis of Yoga
– Concept of Yoga
– History & Philosophy of Yoa
– Four Paths of Yoga
– Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
– Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
– Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskar (Traditional Sun Salutation)
– Standing Asanas
– Sitting Asanas
– Prone Asanas
– Supine Asanas
– Advance Asanas
– Pranayama (Breathing Techniques)
– Meditation Techniques
– Shatkarma
– Nutrition and Yogic Diet
– Mantras and Prayers
– Ashtanga Sun Salutation – A
– Ashtanga Sun Salutation – B
– Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation)
– Bandhas
– Demonstratation and Teaching Methodology
– Communication Skills & Marketing Sills
– Project Work
– Final Exam
Note: All students who join for online YTTC program will get ASHTANGA T-shirt and HardCopy of Certificate by Courier
Note: All students who joins at *’Pune Campus’* for YTTC program will get ASHTANGA T-shirt, Supreme Yoga Mat and HardCopy of Certificate_
Fees Structure
Yoga Teacher Training Course Level-2 (Advanced)
35000 INR (460 USD) (After 40% Off Discount) 21000 INR (280 USD)
4 Paths Of Yoga
Jnana Yoga
The path of rational inquiry — jnana yoga — employs the rational mind rather than trying to transcend it by concentration practices. In this path, ignorance is considered the root of all problems. Our basic ignorance is our idea of ourselves as being separate from the absolute. One method is continually to ask, “who am I?” the seeker discovers that the one who asks the question is not the body, not the senses, not the mind, but something eternal beyond all these.
Raja Yoga
The term raja yoga refers to various systems (such as those described in patanjali’s yoga sutras or the later system known as kundalini) that focus on the use of techniques (including the adoption of physical postures, breath control, mantras and visualization) to bring the mind to a state of one-pointed concentration, known as samadhi, in which union with the absolute is attained.
Karma Yoga
At the heart of karma yoga is the varnasrama-dharma system, which focuses on the performance of actions in accordance with the duties (dharma) associated with one’s caste (varna) and stage of life (asrama). By acting in accordance with the principles of varnasrama-dharma, one gradually works through the four stages of life (student, householder, forest-dweller, renunciate) and four modes of rebirth (shudra, vaishya, kshatriya, and brahmin) towards ultimate release from the cycle of rebirth
Bhakti Yoga
As with the other three disciplines, bhakti yoga is based on the fundamental upanishadic insight, namely the identity of the individual soul (atman) and the universal soul (brahman). However, while the paths of “wisdom” (jnana yoga) and “meditation” (raja yoga) require intense effort, and the path of “action” (karma yoga) ultimately requires relinquishing all attachment to the self, bhakti yoga relies only on devotion to a chosen deity. In the bhagavad-gita, krishna presents this devotional approach as the ideal path to liberation from the cycle of rebirth (moksha), for it is open to all (regardless of caste or gender) and requires only that the devotee (bhakta) perform all actions in a spirit of service to god.
Why "The Ashtanga School" Is The Best & Right Place To Learn Yoga Teacher Training Course?
We do not believe in the terms of read and forget or ignore. We strongly believe in the discipline of the education to educate our students to never forget the studies taught at #theashtangaschool. We make you learn till you understand the importance of the topic which has been taught. We help our every student to gain the knowledge in easier way as to be remembered till years.
Our every teacher is well qualified and experienced to educate our students and explain all the yogic studies which will help the students to educate their further students or clients in future.We help to enable a good habit in you to follow the yoga and exercise routine and make it a part of the daily lifestyle.
Under the guidance of Yogi Rupak, the association has been spreading its wings – training more number of clients and making healthy transformations during the period of Covid-19 lockdown. Conducted Oxymore yoga to improve breathing efficiency of all the citizens and the active and Post Covid patients.
While the journey has been quite satisfying so far, the greatest sense of accomplishment comes from seeing thousands of people benefiting from the course and our different training programs, transforming their life and sharing one of the most valuable gifts with others. As people from diverse fields, cultures and countries join the various courses, THE ASHTANGA SCHOOL has constantly re-imagined itself to become the numero uno yoga academy in the world.
Led by the visionary and young Yogi Rupak Marulkar, one of the youngest yoga masters in the world, #THEASHTANGASCHOOL is poised to reach greater heights in its pursuit to propagate the philosophy of yoga far and wide.
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The Ashtanga School Of Arts, Music & Fitness, DSK Vishwa, Dhayari, Pune, Maharashtra 411041